Call of Duty enlisted Studio Number One to design a bold key graphic for "The Truth Lies," a provocative teaser campaign produced by 72andSunny to promote the launch of their latest game, Black Ops 6.
Call of Duty: Black Ops 6
Illustration, Poster Design, Apparel Design
Studio Number One worked with Call of Duty to create art for an ad campaign teasing the launch of Black Ops 6, Call of Duty's latest game in the action franchise.
"The Truth Lies," a provocative teaser campaign developed by Activision's agency partner 72andSunny, questions the validity of the truth and where it comes from while delving into the gritty undercurrents of the 90s era, the backdrop for the new game's narrative. The campaign stunts placed provocative messages on institutions/symbols of political leadership, power, media and law to build the sinister world of the Black Ops game in 1991, targeting the institutions you thought were the TRUTH, those meant to protect you and keep you safe, but were keeping you in the dark, giving you rose colored glasses as they waged a secret war.

The first teaser released included a video stunt featuring the presidents of Mt. Rushmore being blindfolded with the message, “The Truth Lies” with accompanying paid newspaper articles in the NY Post and USA Today that also showed the stunt.
SNO created "The Truth Lies" poster art by incorporating its iconic bold illustration style, taking cues from the video stunt as well as direction from creative director Shepard Fairey, which resulted in a mysterious and provocative graphic that challenges authority. The poster art was placed across NYC, LA, Mexico City, and was given to influencers. It was also adapted into seven different languages and converted into a t-shirt, available for purchase by fans and gaming aficionados.
"As a street artist who came up in the '90s, I am very familiar with the tone and atmosphere of Black Ops, so it was a fun project to creative direct with my team at SNO," Shepard Fairey, SNO creative director and founder said. "The team infused our signature bold illustration style, taking inspiration from my experience with thought-provoking imagery that challenges authority, and they successfully created this subversive poster campaign that captures the essence of the era and embodies THE TRUTH LIES tagline."